What Is It About Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty...

Click HERE to Book Your No Obligation, Confidential DISCOVERY CALL!   

Make $100,000 to $300,000 or More Selling Real Estate GUARANTEED!

We are so sure of our process, we GUARANTEE your success or we'll pay you the difference!* We have developed a completely unique real estate system that not only helps our agents easily earn over $100,000 a year but it also provides exceptional client services.



Hi, my name is Laura Petersen and I am the broker owner at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty. My belief is that you are not where you want to be in your real estate career because you haven't found the right environment, mentor, plan and system! We have it all... but it really is about YOUR goals and dreams. We can help you get those goals and dreams! Click on the Calendly link floating on this page or give us a call at 407-566-2555 for a CONFIDENTIAL, NO OBLIGATION BUSINESS REVIEW. I promise, even if it is not the right fit for you... you will walk away with something that will help you.... you don't have anything to lose! Call 407-566-2555, or set your appointment TODAY!

Watch the video below that I did that explains a little about what is going on in the real estate market and how YOU can make a Quantum Leap! in your real estate career. A Quantum Leap is defined as having at least a 50% increase in business year over year. You can do it! And I am here to help you! -- Laura

The Your Home Sold Guaranteed Difference... 

How to Make a Good Living and What to Expect

SOLVED: Not Enough Clients at a Pace fast enough and at levels high enough to achieve your goals!
​SOLVED: Feast or Famine Income Roller Coaster.
SOLVED: Control of Your Schedule.
SOLVED: Clarity on Exactly what to do and how to get it done to Scale/Grow business profitably.
​SOLVED: Sales, Negotiating and Closing Skills to Convert Strangers in a Super Competitive Market.
SOLVED: Automation to sift and sort the leads into those ready now and those not ready now.
SOLVED: Zero Resistance Benefits Presentations that compel prospects to sign with you at your much higher than average fee.
​SOLVED: How to set, negotiate and collect an OPTIMUM fee as a Buyers Agent vs letting the listing agent decide your earning capacity.
SOLVED: A SYSTEM that turns a customer into a lifetime customer, predictably and affordably… after all there is NO such thing as past clients… only lifetime customers.
SOLVED: Magnetic Consumer Benefit Rich Brand Name!
SOLVED: An infallible BUSINESS PLAN to achieving your biggest goals.

Our Agent Guarantees

--Income Increase Guarantee: You Will Make at least $100,000 MORE in New Additional Income or We’ll Pay You the Difference!*

--Second Mile Service Guarantee: We Will Provide You Brokerage Services 12 hours a day 7 days a week! Your Calls and Requests for Assistance Will be Handled by a Qualified Team Member Within One Hour. GUARANTEE: If We Fail, We’ll Pay You $500 as a Penalty for Poor Service!*

--Coaching and Training Guarantee: Our Skills Training and Business Building Coaching is the Best in Real Estate for Agents Wanting to Go from Solo to Top Producer to Super Profitable Sales Team Business! If Anyone Can Show Better, We Will Donate $5,000 Toward The Charity of Your Choice!


In Your First 30 Days You Will…

Increase the Size of Your Commission Checks by at least 50%!
​Increase the # of leads you get by 40 to 100 or more!
Forever END Cold Calling, Begging for Referrals, Traditional Open Houses and Expensive Advertising!
Have your CRM Completely Set up with Every Activity Plan to Run a Super Profitable Business!
Become #1 on Google Search for Ready to Act Seller Prospects.
Start Implementing an Infallible Plan and System for a Multi-Millionaire Agent Business that Can Work Without Your Constant Involvement.



This opportunity is limited and by application only.
To find out more about this amazing career opportunity,

Call or Schedule Your Appointment at 407-566-2555 on the Calendly link floating on this page. 



To be The Best Place to Work, Buy and Sell Real Estate.


To Help You Achieve Your Heart’s Desire!


To each other, our clients and our community!

Second Mile Service. -- We go that extra mile for the people we are working with, whether that is a buyer, seller, investor or agent. 
Empower and Inspire Others -- Empowerment gives you a vehicle to drive and teaches you how to drive. Inspiration gives you the direction to your destination. When we empower and inspire others everyone gets where they want to go!
Results Driven. -- We measure ourselves by the results whether a buyer, seller, investor or agent. That way everyone gets what they want!
Value Relationships by Expressing Gratitude. -- We value people... and are thankful for them. IF we don't tell them, they may never know!
Embrace Continual Improvement. -- We are all heading in one direction, either up or down, nothing stays the same. We are committed to getting better!


Why Our Name is Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty


We can help you make your Real Estate Career everything you always wanted it to be! Make More Money! Set Your Own Schedule! Work With Friends! Set up your appointment today to have a Confidential, No Obligation Business Review! Call 407-566-2555 or click on the Calendly link that is floating around on this page! 

We are all about adding value. and unfortuantely, most Realtors are on an Income Roller Coaster... meaning you have income one month and nothing the next. You CAN get off the Income Roller Coaster... If you would like Our FREE Report telling you How to Get Off the Income Roller Coaster.... Fill out the form below!

Any and All inquiries are held in strict confidence.

We take your privacy seriously.
Your personal information is collected to send you the additional information that you requested about the real estate, mortgage, and affiliated products and services. If we cannot provide a product or service it may be provided by another agent or broker. For details please see the real estate marketing website privacy policy.